Utility functions for managing tree-like data structures.
import types
from contextlib import contextmanager
from . import lazy_nodes, tagged
__all__ = ["walk", "iter_tree", "walk_and_modify", "get_children", "is_container", "PendingValue", "RemoveNode"]
def walk(top, callback):
Walking through a tree of objects, calling a given function at
each node.
top : object
The root of the tree. May be a dict, list or other Python object.
callback : callable
A function to call at each node in the tree.
The callback is called on an instance after all of its
children have been visited (depth-first order).
tree : object
The modified tree.
for x in iter_tree(top):
def iter_tree(top):
Iterate over all nodes in a tree, in depth-first order.
top : object
The root of the tree. May be a dict, list or other Python object.
callback : callable
A function to call at each node in the tree.
The callback is called on an instance after all of its
children have been visited (depth-first order).
tree : object
The modified tree.
seen = set()
def recurse(tree):
tree_id = id(tree)
if tree_id in seen:
if isinstance(tree, (list, tuple, lazy_nodes.AsdfListNode)):
for val in tree:
yield from recurse(val)
elif isinstance(tree, (dict, lazy_nodes.AsdfDictNode)):
for val in tree.values():
yield from recurse(val)
yield tree
return recurse(top)
class _TreeModificationContext:
Context of a call to walk_and_modify, which includes a map
of already modified nodes, a list of generators to drain
before exiting the call, and a set of node object ids that
are currently pending modification.
Instances of this class are context managers that track
how many times they have been entered, and only drain
generators and reset themselves when exiting the outermost
context. They are also collections that map unmodified
nodes to the corresponding modified result.
def __init__(self):
self._map = {}
self._generators = []
self._depth = 0
self._pending = set()
def add_generator(self, generator):
Add a generator that should be drained before exiting
the outermost call to walk_and_modify.
def is_pending(self, node):
Return True if the node is already being modified.
This will not be the case unless the node contains a
reference to itself somewhere among its descendents.
return id(node) in self._pending
def pending(self, node):
Context manager that marks a node as pending for the
duration of the context.
if id(node) in self._pending:
msg = (
"Unhandled cycle in tree. This is possibly a bug "
"in extension code, which should be yielding "
"nodes that may contain reference cycles."
raise RuntimeError(msg)
yield self
def __enter__(self):
self._depth += 1
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
self._depth -= 1
if self._depth == 0:
# If we're back to 0 depth, then we're exiting
# the outermost context, so it's time to drain
# the generators and reset this object for next
# time.
if exc_type is None:
self._generators = []
self._map = {}
self._pending = set()
def _drain_generators(self):
Drain each generator we've accumulated during this
call to walk_and_modify.
# Generator code may add yet more generators
# to the list, so we need to loop until the
# list is empty.
while len(self._generators) > 0:
generators = self._generators
self._generators = []
for generator in generators:
for _ in generator:
# Subsequent yields of the generator should
# always return the same value. What we're
# really doing here is executing the generator's
# remaining code, to further modify that first
# yielded object.
def __contains__(self, node):
return id(node) in self._map
def __getitem__(self, node):
return self._map[id(node)][1]
def __setitem__(self, node, result):
if id(node) in self._map:
# This indicates that an already defined
# modified node is being replaced, which is an
# error because it breaks references within the
# tree.
msg = "Node already has an associated result"
raise RuntimeError(msg)
self._map[id(node)] = (node, result)
class _PendingValue:
Class of the PendingValue singleton instance. The presence of the instance
in an asdf tree indicates that extension code is failing to handle
reference cycles.
def __repr__(self):
return "PendingValue"
PendingValue = _PendingValue()
class _RemoveNode:
Class of the RemoveNode singleton instance. This instance is used
as a signal for `asdf.treeutil.walk_and_modify` to remove the
node received by the callback.
def __repr__(self):
return "RemoveNode"
RemoveNode = _RemoveNode()
def walk_and_modify(top, callback, postorder=True, _context=None):
"""Modify a tree by walking it with a callback function. It also has
the effect of doing a deep copy.
top : object
The root of the tree. May be a dict, list or other Python object.
callback : callable
A function to call at each node in the tree. It takes either
one or two arguments:
- an instance from the tree
- a json id (optional)
It may return a different instance in order to modify the
tree. If the singleton instance `~asdf.treeutil._RemoveNode`
is returned, the node will be removed from the tree.
The json id is the context under which any relative URLs
should be resolved. It may be `None` if no ids are in the file
The tree is traversed depth-first, with order specified by the
``postorder`` argument.
postorder : bool
Determines the order in which the callable is invoked on nodes of
the tree. If `True`, the callable will be invoked on children
before their parents. If `False`, the callable is invoked on the
parents first. Defaults to `True`.
tree : object
The modified tree.
callback_arity = callback.__code__.co_argcount
if callback_arity < 1 or callback_arity > 2:
msg = "Expected callback to accept one or two arguments"
raise ValueError(msg)
def _handle_generator(result):
# If the result is a generator, generate one value to
# extract the true result, then register the generator
# to be drained later.
if isinstance(result, types.GeneratorType):
generator = result
result = next(generator)
return result
def _handle_callback(node, json_id):
result = callback(node) if callback_arity == 1 else callback(node, json_id)
return _handle_generator(result)
def _handle_mapping(node, json_id):
if isinstance(node, lazy_nodes.AsdfDictNode):
result = {}
result = node.__class__()
if isinstance(node, tagged.Tagged):
result._tag = node._tag
pending_items = {}
for key, value in node.items():
if _context.is_pending(value):
# The child node is pending modification, which means
# it must be its own ancestor. Assign the special
# PendingValue instance for now, and note that we'll
# need to fill in the real value later.
pending_items[key] = value
result[key] = PendingValue
elif (val := _recurse(value, json_id)) is not RemoveNode:
result[key] = val
yield result
if len(pending_items) > 0:
# Now that we've yielded, the pending children should
# be available.
for key, value in pending_items.items():
if (val := _recurse(value, json_id)) is not RemoveNode:
result[key] = val
# The callback may have decided to delete
# this node after all.
del result[key]
def _handle_mutable_sequence(node, json_id):
if isinstance(node, lazy_nodes.AsdfListNode):
result = []
result = node.__class__()
if isinstance(node, tagged.Tagged):
result._tag = node._tag
pending_items = {}
for i, value in enumerate(node):
if _context.is_pending(value):
# The child node is pending modification, which means
# it must be its own ancestor. Assign the special
# PendingValue instance for now, and note that we'll
# need to fill in the real value later.
pending_items[i] = value
result.append(_recurse(value, json_id))
yield result
for i, value in pending_items.items():
# Now that we've yielded, the pending children should
# be available.
result[i] = _recurse(value, json_id)
def _handle_immutable_sequence(node, json_id):
# Immutable sequences containing themselves are impossible
# to construct (well, maybe possible in a C extension, but
# we're not going to worry about that), so we don't need
# to yield here.
contents = [_recurse(value, json_id) for value in node]
result = node.__class__(contents)
if isinstance(node, tagged.Tagged):
result._tag = node._tag
return result
def _handle_children(node, json_id):
if isinstance(node, (dict, lazy_nodes.AsdfDictNode)):
result = _handle_mapping(node, json_id)
# don't treat namedtuple instances as tuples
# see: https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/52044
elif isinstance(node, tuple) and not hasattr(node, "_fields"):
result = _handle_immutable_sequence(node, json_id)
elif isinstance(node, (list, lazy_nodes.AsdfListNode)):
result = _handle_mutable_sequence(node, json_id)
result = node
return _handle_generator(result)
def _recurse(node, json_id=None):
if node in _context:
# The node's modified result has already been
# created, all we need to do is return it. This
# occurs when the tree contains multiple references
# to the same object id.
return _context[node]
# Inform the context that we're going to start modifying
# this node.
with _context.pending(node):
# Take note of the "id" field, in case we're modifying
# a schema and need to know the namespace for resolving
# URIs. Ignore an id that is not a string, since it may
# be an object defining an id property and not an id
# itself (this is common in metaschemas).
if isinstance(node, (dict, lazy_nodes.AsdfDictNode)) and "id" in node and isinstance(node["id"], str):
json_id = node["id"]
if postorder:
# If this is a postorder modification, invoke the
# callback on this node's children first.
result = _handle_children(node, json_id)
result = _handle_callback(result, json_id)
# Otherwise, invoke the callback on the node first,
# then its children.
result = _handle_callback(node, json_id)
result = _handle_children(result, json_id)
# Store the result in the context, in case there are
# additional references to the same node elsewhere in
# the tree.
_context[node] = result
return result
if _context is None:
_context = _TreeModificationContext()
with _context:
return _recurse(top)
# Generators will be drained here, if this is the outermost
# call to walk_and_modify.
def get_children(node):
Retrieve the children (and their dict keys or list/tuple indices) of
an ASDF tree node.
node : object
an ASDF tree node
list of (object, object) tuples
list of (identifier, child node) tuples, or empty list if the
node has no children (either it is an empty container, or is
a non-container type)
if isinstance(node, (dict, lazy_nodes.AsdfDictNode)):
return list(node.items())
if isinstance(node, (list, tuple, lazy_nodes.AsdfListNode)):
return list(enumerate(node))
return []
def is_container(node):
Determine if an ASDF tree node is an instance of a "container" type
(i.e., value may contain child nodes).
node : object
an ASDF tree node
True if node is a container, False otherwise
return isinstance(node, (dict, list, tuple, lazy_nodes.AsdfDictNode, lazy_nodes.AsdfListNode))