Objects that act like dict, list, OrderedDict but allow
lazy conversion of tagged ASDF tree nodes to custom objects.
import collections
import inspect
import warnings
import weakref
from . import tagged, yamlutil
from .exceptions import AsdfConversionWarning, AsdfLazyReferenceError
from .extension._serialization_context import BlockAccess
__all__ = ["AsdfDictNode", "AsdfListNode", "AsdfOrderedDictNode"]
class _TaggedObjectCacheItem:
A tagged node and a (weakref) to the converted custom object
def __init__(self, tagged_node, custom_object):
self.tagged_node = tagged_node
self._custom_object_ref = weakref.ref(custom_object)
except TypeError:
# if a weakref is not possible, store the object
self._custom_object_ref = lambda obj=custom_object: obj
def custom_object(self):
return self._custom_object_ref()
class _TaggedObjectCache:
A cache of tagged nodes and their corresponding custom objects.
This is critical for trees that contain references/pointers to the
same object at multiple locations in the tree.
Only weakrefs are key to the custom objects to allow large items
deleted from the tree to be garbage collected. This means that an
item added to the cache may later fail to retrieve (if the weakref-ed
custom object was deleted).
def __init__(self):
# start with a clear cache
def clear(self):
self._cache = {}
def retrieve(self, tagged_node):
Check the cache for a previously converted object.
tagged_node : Tagged
The tagged representation of the custom object
custom_object : None or the converted object
The custom object previously converted from the tagged_node or
``None`` if the object hasn't been converted (or was previously
deleted from the tree).
key = id(tagged_node)
if key not in self._cache:
return None
item = self._cache[key]
custom_object = item.custom_object
if custom_object is None:
del self._cache[key]
return custom_object
def store(self, tagged_node, custom_object):
Store a converted custom object in the cache.
tagged_node : Tagged
The tagged representation of the custom object
custom_object : converted object
The custom object (a weakref to this object will be kept in the cache).
self._cache[id(tagged_node)] = _TaggedObjectCacheItem(tagged_node, custom_object)
def _resolve_af_ref(af_ref):
msg = "Failed to resolve AsdfFile reference"
if af_ref is None:
raise AsdfLazyReferenceError(msg)
af = af_ref()
if af is None:
raise AsdfLazyReferenceError(msg)
return af
def _to_lazy_node(node, af_ref):
Convert an object to a _AsdfNode subclass.
If the object does not have a corresponding subclass
it will be returned unchanged.
if isinstance(node, list):
return AsdfListNode(node, af_ref)
elif isinstance(node, collections.OrderedDict):
return AsdfOrderedDictNode(node, af_ref)
elif isinstance(node, dict):
return AsdfDictNode(node, af_ref)
return node
class _AsdfNode:
The "lazy node" base class that handles object
conversion and wrapping and contains a weak reference
to the `asdf.AsdfFile` that triggered the creation of this
node (when the "lazy tree" was loaded).
def __init__(self, data=None, af_ref=None):
self._af_ref = af_ref
self.data = data
def tagged(self):
Return the tagged tree backing this node
return self.data
def _convert_and_cache(self, value, key):
Convert ``value`` to either:
- a custom object if ``value`` is `asdf.tagged.Tagged`
- an ``asdf.lazy_nodes.AsdfListNode` if ``value`` is
a ``list``
- an ``asdf.lazy_nodes.AsdfDictNode` if ``value`` is
a ``dict``
- an ``asdf.lazy_nodes.AsdfOrderedDictNode` if ``value`` is
a ``OrderedDict``
- otherwise return ``value`` unmodified
After conversion the result (``obj``) will be stored in this
`asdf.lazy_nodes._AsdfNode` using the provided key and cached
in the corresponding `asdf.AsdfFile` instance (so other
references to ``value`` in the tree will return the same
value :
The object to convert from a Tagged to custom object
or wrap with an _AsdfNode or return unmodified.
key :
The key under which the converted/wrapped object will
be stored.
obj :
The converted or wrapped (or the value if no conversion
or wrapping is required).
# if the value has already been wrapped, return it
if isinstance(value, _AsdfNode):
return value
if not isinstance(value, tagged.Tagged) and type(value) not in _base_type_to_node_map:
return value
af = _resolve_af_ref(self._af_ref)
# if the obj that will be returned from this value
# is already cached, use the cached obj
if (obj := af._tagged_object_cache.retrieve(value)) is not None:
self[key] = obj
return obj
# for Tagged instances, convert them to their custom obj
if isinstance(value, tagged.Tagged):
extension_manager = af.extension_manager
tag = value._tag
if not extension_manager.handles_tag(tag):
if not af._ignore_unrecognized_tag:
f"{tag} is not recognized, converting to raw Python data structure",
obj = _to_lazy_node(value, self._af_ref)
converter = extension_manager.get_converter_for_tag(tag)
if not getattr(converter, "lazy", False) or inspect.isgeneratorfunction(
obj = yamlutil.tagged_tree_to_custom_tree(value, af)
data = _to_lazy_node(value.data, self._af_ref)
sctx = af._create_serialization_context(BlockAccess.READ)
obj = converter.from_yaml_tree(data, tag, sctx)
# for non-tagged objects, wrap in an _AsdfNode
node_type = _base_type_to_node_map[type(value)]
obj = node_type(value, self._af_ref)
# cache the converted/wrapped obj with the AsdfFile so other
# references to the same Tagged value will result in the
# same obj
af._tagged_object_cache.store(value, obj)
self[key] = obj
return obj
class AsdfListNode(_AsdfNode, collections.UserList):
An class that acts like a ``list``. The items in this ``list``
will start out as tagged nodes which will only be converted to
custom objects the first time they are indexed (the custom object
will then be cached for later reuse).
If sliced, this will return a new instance of `AsdfListNode` for
the sliced portion of the list.
def __init__(self, data=None, af_ref=None):
if data is None:
data = []
_AsdfNode.__init__(self, data, af_ref)
collections.UserList.__init__(self, data)
def __copy__(self):
return AsdfListNode(self.data.copy(), self._af_ref)
def __eq__(self, other):
if self is other:
return True
return list(self) == list(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __getitem__(self, key):
# key might be an int or slice
value = super().__getitem__(key)
if isinstance(key, slice):
return AsdfListNode(value, self._af_ref)
return self._convert_and_cache(value, key)
class AsdfDictNode(_AsdfNode, collections.UserDict):
An class that acts like a ``dict``. The values for this
``dict`` will start out as tagged nodes which will only
be converted to custom objects the first time the corresponding
key is used (the custom object will then be cached for later
def __init__(self, data=None, af_ref=None):
if data is None:
data = {}
_AsdfNode.__init__(self, data, af_ref)
collections.UserDict.__init__(self, data)
def __copy__(self):
return AsdfDictNode(self.data.copy(), self._af_ref)
def __eq__(self, other):
if self is other:
return True
return dict(self) == dict(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._convert_and_cache(super().__getitem__(key), key)
class AsdfOrderedDictNode(AsdfDictNode, collections.OrderedDict):
An class that acts like a ``collections.OrderedDict``. The values
for this ``OrderedDict`` will start out as tagged nodes which will only
be converted to custom objects the first time the corresponding
key is used (the custom object will then be cached for later
def __init__(self, data=None, af_ref=None):
if data is None:
data = collections.OrderedDict()
AsdfDictNode.__init__(self, data, af_ref)
def __copy__(self):
return AsdfOrderedDictNode(self.data.copy(), self._af_ref)
_base_type_to_node_map = {
dict: AsdfDictNode,
list: AsdfListNode,
collections.OrderedDict: AsdfOrderedDictNode,